Duh long neck lovers

you know that girl with the long neck vine right?.
well theres a clone of that girl thing thats acctually part of her body!!!. so this story is all about the clone. the video one is just a mannaquin head.
so the long neck girl is named susan and dis is her story.
duh story-so she was walking down the street while people looked at her funny and weird. her head was tilting and then she saw it. she saw a guy with a long neck and a weird face.
they met and talked on the street for 5 minutes talking about how very in common they both are. susan asked the guy for his phone number. the guy did and told susan his name was john. they then became good friends.
so one day they became girlfriend and boyfriend. 
they then did the thing they will always remember. they were like 16 years old and john was 17 so susan lived in a house by herself cause her parents abandon her. so they hads sex.
john started fucking susan in the pussy. it was hard for susan to give john a blow job so susan had to bend her neck. john enjoyed it and cummed in susans face and mouth.
so susan then wiggled her boobs and john started sucking on them and then rubbing them.
after that they fucked again and john licked susans pussy and fingered it.
they then went to bed touching each others private spots.
5 days later.
john was getting sick and died from cancer. susan was screaming and crying. she missed how john dick felt so she got multiple dildos and a naked boy mannaquin to put the dildo on.
she then became girlfriend with a guy named joe.
they had sex again the same way john and susan did.
but they got some new sex things.
dildos in susans ass, feet licking (quite weird), pussy rubbing and more. but then joe in a middle of having sex died.
susan screamed and cried again and maggots started eating joes body.
susan got her clothes on and ran out of the house but she just notice joe has been shot. so then susan tripped on a rock and woke up in the hospital.
they said susan had 3 weeks to live cause some thing she landed on gave her a dissease.
susan then wanted kids on her 2nd week and at night she saw some figure with a mask.
then one day she was on the internet and the mask figure was watching her with a pistol. susan screamed as the masked figure broked the window. the guy was wearing a horse mask (haha you probaly thought it was masky!)
so susan said she was just lonley so on her final week they hads sex everyday. and then susan was about to die in the hospital. they had sex one more time before susan died.
the doctor said she has rhgijtrubyyujhjyhjyrjblrthgutnfgjkjthgihtrgutkjh.
susan then died. the horse masked figure was named paul and paul started crying he always wanted that girl so he killed her boyfriends and now she's dead.
paul got millions of animals and sex dolls to keep him company.
so paul then hads no job and he lived in a car board box. so paul did something to get 100 dollars a hour.
paul slept with a horse...
since paul was lonley he FUCKED the horse and got fired so then paul was lonley again and then he saw another girl that looked exacly like susan only orange hair but not ginger like. so they became girlfriend and boyfriend and did everything paul did with susan.
it  was a mirracle....
then a horse broke in and shot both of them in 6 weeks and a skeleton popped out!!!!!!!!!!!